GRANSHAN is a collaborative effort: together we can bring to life an international design and typography platform with unique content and themes. To further promote the community idea, we engaged eight medium-sized foundries that agree to jointly support the growing GRANSHAN project for the next at least four up to six years.
With this, we want to create the structural, administrative and communicative basis for a new project: a Communication Design Competition beyond Latin, which will occur alternately with the Type Design Competition beyond Latin in a two-year cycle. The potential impact of such a competition extends far beyond that of a type design competition, as it appeals to designers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. More information about this new competition will be available soon on this website.
With one leader of each Supporting Foundry, a GRANSHAN Sounding Board will advise GRANSHAN in general and in particular on the newly planned competition.
We are really happy to welcome the following eight foundries in the club:
Indian Type Foundry