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Golnar Katrahmani — Type and Politics

Do you want to accompany Golnar Katrahmani on her mission? Since 2018 the Iranian-born, Berlin-living designer has been deeply immersed in projects related to »Type & Politics«, where she endeavors to detach Arabic and Persian type from their ideological and political negative circumstances, aiming to cultivate an appreciation for the beauty and other aspects of these letters in multi-cultural societies, due to the hope of a peaceful coexistence. »How can Arabic script be seen as something other than problematic?« asks Golnar Katrahmani programmatically. Her answer: for example, through workshops and lectures that promote cultural exchange and knowledge transfer, but also through great graphic design and fashion with Arabic typography.

Golnar Katrahmani likes open words and is committed not only to the aesthetic and functional aspects of typography, but also to the political ones. The Creative director and lecturer was born in Iran and educated at the University of Tehran and later at the Berlin-Weißensee School of Arts. In Berlin she runs her Studio Golnar Katrahmani in the fields of type design, multilingual editorial design and typography.

Golnar Katrahmani’s Website