Typographische Gesellschaft München (tgm)

tgm: we care about typography!

The Typographische Gesellschaft Muenchen e.V. (tgm; Typographic Society Munich) represents dialogue and education for quality in the communication sector. With the aspiration of seeing typography as a linkage, tgm offers a wide range of events and trainings for beginners and advanced as well as for insiders and interested in design.

tgm was founded in 1890 by type setters and printers. With more than 1,300 members today it is the largest organisation for typographers or in typography interested people in Europe. tgm establishes a basis for sophisticated and interdisciplinary thinking and dialogues among content and form, text and photo, tradition and innovation, among design and technology. Every tgm offer is the composite work of people and companies who are committed. The offers are thus also an expression of solidarity in the communications industry.


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